Grackle Docs:文档访问变得容易

grackle docs logo使用GrackleDocs使你的谷歌文档,谷歌幻灯片和谷歌表格可访问 to all! GrackleDocs帮助用户了解可访问性标准,并且可以运行 repeatedly as documents evolve.

GrackleDocs是Google Docs、Google Sheets和Google Slides的附加组件.  When launched, 它扫描当前文档的可访问性问题.  When the scan finishes, GrackleDocs 将文档的元素和结构按类别排列,例如:

  • Document
  • Images
  • Headings
  • Tables
  • Landmarks
  • Content

的右侧的GrackleDocs侧面板中可以看到这些类别 screen. 每个元素都被标记为可访问或不可访问. Changes 是通过在这些类别中选择和编辑这些元素生成的吗. For example, 表没有用标记指定标题行. When an element is changed 使用GrackleDocs,它编辑文档中该元素的标签. This edit is immediate and no saving is required.

GrackleDocs Side Panel

To get started, view the Introducing GrackleDocs Video (5.5 mins) or GrackleDocs Demonstration Video (20分钟)的详细演练. 请参阅视频下方的评论部分 clickable chapters!

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