Multimedia and Content Development Track


This series is geared towards instructors wanting to focus on developing content for 他们的任何课程. While not every workshop may be applicable, all of the workshops where you can learn how to create and edit multimedia content are listed here.

1. Camtasia 1: Getting Started with Camtasia Studio OR Camtasia: Converting Your PPT 导入讲座视频

2. Camtasia 2: Editing in Depth

3. Storytelling and Content Development

4. 屏幕捕获工具的必需品

5. Youtube: How To Use Your YouTube Channel (Yes, You Already Have One!)

6. Choose Any Three Adobe Courses:

    • *Adobe: Getting Started with Creative Cloud
    • *Adobe: Getting Started with Spark
    • *Adobe: Getting Started with Document Cloud
    • *Adobe: Getting Started with Photoshop
    • *Adobe: Intermediate Photoshop Techniques
    • *Adobe: Getting Started with Lightroom
    • *Adobe: Getting Started with Illustrator
    • *Adobe: Getting Started with InDesign
    • *Adobe: Getting Started with Premier Pro
    • *Adobe: Basic Web Presentation with Adobe 

