


来自:迪安娜·L. Fassett教授,学院发展中心主任


I'm writing to you this month with a reminder about 计算流体动力学's monthly writing retreats to support your research, scholarship 和 creative 活动, as well as timely suggestions for navigating the pedagogical uncertainties posed by the spread of COVID-19. 计算流体动力学 工作人员欢迎您的问题和咨询要求.


How can my students 和 I better prepare for academic continuity during emergencies 以及其他干扰?


You are a role model for 你的学生, 和, as such, it’s important to consider how 你是关心自己和他人的榜样. 你会怎样照顾自己呢 你生病了? What 计划s can you make in advance to take care of parents, partners, 子女或其他亲属? 如果你是家长,如果你的孩子……你会怎么办 学校或护理中心暂时关闭? 之前考虑过这些问题 和 during times of uncertainty can help us act decisively 和 effectively. 在 case of Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19), you may need to teach remotely, 和/or you may need to grant flexibility in mode 的指令 为学生 who must take 照顾好自己或其他家庭成员.

In many cases, your first 和 best resource regarding your instructional assignment will be your department chair or program director; however, please know that 计算流体动力学, eCampus, 大学工作人员, 和 other offices are available to answer your questions.

Be sure to follow public health department recommendations, including respiratory hygiene etiquette such as h和washing, covering your coughs or sneezes, 和 disinfecting 经常接触的表面. 注意通过Alert菠菜网lol正规平台发送的消息. 考虑书签 菠菜网lol正规平台COVID-19更新和咨询,以及常见问题网站. 您可能还会发现关注以下内容的更新很有帮助 圣克拉拉县公共卫生部.


To the extent that is practical 和 appropriate for your course, try to build in grace 为学生. Take time now to consult with colleagues about how you can maintain a fair 和 equitable learning environment 为学生 in remote 和/or online modes 的指令.

As 计算流体动力学 Director, I am happy to serve as a resource to you 和 your department chair in interpreting university policies, including serving as a sounding board about whether 和 how to change the mode 的指令 for a course, how to maintain fairness or adapt grading in light of student absences, 和 how to develop/adapt a communication 计划.

我们的 eCampus 同事们准备了 远程教学资源,包括利用Canvas和Zoom的研讨会. 校园教学设计师 would be happy to answer your questions about moving materials into virtual mode in the event that you 和 your chair agree such a move is warranted.

Develop a 计划 for how you will communicate with 你的学生 during times of disruption

注意通过多种模式与他们分享. 你将如何与人沟通 你的学生? 你如何接听电话? 你需要收集什么信息吗 from them now in order to reach them during a campus closure or other interruption? Ask students to update their profiles in Canvas 和 make sure that they’re receiving 及时发布公告和信息.

In addition to Canvas 和 Zoom, you have other communication tools that may be a good fit for you, 你的学生, 和 your course content, including the Google suite (Mail, 驱动器,文档,幻灯片,Hangouts等.). 在可能的情况下,试着布置任务、截止日期、 和 expectations clear, consistent , 和 reasonable--for you 和 你的学生. If there’s time to test this 计划 with 你的学生, you should do so; this will allow you to refine your process before communication may become more challenging.


As you 计划 to incorporate online tools, be sure to keep in mind the needs of students 残疾人士.  It is more important than ever to make sure that your instructional 材料是可访问的. 你可以在 无障碍教学材料 on the 计算流体动力学 website; please also feel welcome to reach out to 校园教学设计师 寻求帮助.


When possible, consult with appropriate colleagues during uncertain times. 你的部门 chair or program director will help you navigate your questions about your courses. 此外, 大学工作人员 能否回答有关病假和休假计划的问题. 请菠菜网lol正规平台 詹妮弗Redd计划eCampus团队 关于我们在线教育资源的问题. 请菠菜网lol正规平台 迪安娜Fassett教师发展中心 team if you would like help thinking through policy interpretations, grading 和 fairness, implications for RTP, 和 any other issues you or your department chair/director 我想讨论一下.

记住,你总能找到 计算流体动力学事件 在大学日历上

请 join us for our upcoming writing retreat on March (3/27), if you'd like to have a clean, well-lighted place to work on your research, scholarship, 和 creative 活动. 从上午9点到10点,同事们 上海州立大学写作中心跨课程写作 programs will guid e you in a strategic 计划ning 活动 to help you make the most of your writing time during the retreat 和 for the remainder of the semester.

如果您想参加我们的现场和午餐,请回复,或者请 电子邮件计算流体动力学 if you'd like to have a virtual writing retreat experience from home or elsewhere.

迪安娜L. Fassett, Ph值.D. (她/她/她的)