Looking to Buy Something?

We are committed to assisting you in obtaining your procure to pay commodity 和 service needs in a timely 和 professional manner. The following are guidelines to assist 在这个过程中.


请参阅 促使付款 Guidelines to determine the appropriate 付款方式 for frequently purchased goods 和 services.


Guidance for New Employees


The university is able to pay for a wide range of commodities 和 services to support the operation of the campus. Department staff are responsible for coordinating procurement activities within their department.


How Do I Submit a Request?

There are different procurement methods available (see 付款方式).  Please work with your department admin to determine next steps.


Pre-approval may be required for the purchase of goods 和 services regardless of cost 和 method of payment. 请检查 特殊的批准特殊要求 before submitting your procurement request.

Getting Familiar with 政策及指引

Department staff 和 managers should become familiar with our 表格及资源 when making financial or purchasing decisions for their department.

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