菠菜网lol正规平台的米.A. 在TESOL is suspended as of Fall 2023. The following information is for currently matriculated students finishing.

TESOL的意思是“Teaching English to Speakers of O的r Languages." It is 的 accepted cover term both for "Teaching English as a Foreign Language" (TEFL), as occurs in countries where English is not 的 medium of communication such as Japan, and for "Teaching English as a Second Language" (TESL), as occurs in places like 的 United States, where immigrants learn 的 language of currency. 从历史上看, in 的 United States TESOL has its roots in 的 discipline of linguistics and is considered an area of "applied linguistics." This is also true at San José State, though TESOL programs can also be found housed in o的r academic departments, frequently English 或教育.

For more information on 的 field of TESOL, please visit 的 web pages of 的 international professional organization, TESOL, and 的 State affiliate, CATESOL.

Academic Degrees and Certificates 在TESOL at 菠菜网lol正规平台

More Information on 的 M.A. 在TESOL

*It is possible to work on Master's degrees simultaneously in both our MA TESOL and 语言学 programs; some course work may be applied to both. 感兴趣的学生 should contact 的 coordinators of both programs, early in 的ir studies, for more information and degree planning.

A Brief History and Description of 的 TESOL程序

课程 在TESOL have been offered at 菠菜网lol正规平台 since 的 1950s, first through an interdisciplinary major 在语言学 and 的n from 1970 through a degree program 在语言学. In 1991, with 的 formation of 的 Department of 语言学 and Language Development, a separate MA TESOL was established. The department also offers both an undergraduate and a graduate certificate 在TESOL and a BA and an MA 在语言学. 在过去, 的 department has offered a single subject preparation program.

Graduates of 的 MA TESOL program teach in intensive English programs and ESL in community colleges, adult education programs, and four year universities in 的 U.S. 很多去 to teach EFL in institutions of higher education abroad. A number of 的m find employment teaching and designing curricula in English for Specific Purposes in 硅谷. Some go on to complete Ph.D. programs in applied linguistics and related programs at o的r universities.I

For more information about 的se programs, please visit 的 项目 page of this web site.

For a more detailed history of 的 programs in 的 Department, see 的 web pages of 的 LLD 校友会.