第五届| 2021届


  • 家乡: 除去,加州
  • 本科: BA in 业务 Management Economics at UC Santa 克鲁兹
  • 研究生: MA in 教育: 政府 and Supervision & MA in 教育: Counseling and Student Personnel, both at 圣何塞州立大学
  • 主要研究方向: I am interested in the experiences of high school students as they transition to college and researching the new accountability system college and career readiness 指标(CCI).
  • 个人兴趣: I enjoy traveling and spending time with my loved 一个s. 


  • 家乡: 冷水,密歇根州
  • 本科: BS in 教育 and Special 教育 with a Minor in Group 社会科学s at Western 密歇根大学
  • 研究生: MA in 教育al Leadership and 政府 at 圣何塞州立大学
  • 主要研究方向: 
    • 社会性学习
    • Strategies to support wellness, balance, and belonging
    • Tiers of intervention focused on school staff
  • 个人兴趣: Spending time with four year old son Anthony and husband Joe, food and wine, baking, 阅读,旅行. 


  • 家乡: 密歇根州卡拉马祖
  • 本科: BS in 教育 at Western 密歇根大学
  • 研究生: MA in 教育al Leadership and 政府 at 圣何塞州立大学
  • 主要研究方向: 
    • 选取
    • 社会问责
    • 评估
  • 个人兴趣: 家庭、旅行、运动. 


  • 家乡: 圣何塞,加利福尼亚
  • 本科: BS in Mathematics/Applied 科学 at UC Los Angeles
  • 研究生: Masters of 教育 at UC Los Angeles, and MA in 教育, Schooling Counseling 在多明戈斯山犯罪现场
  • 主要研究方向: Trust in educational leadership and its systemic change. Efficacy of school counselors 在高中系统中.
    个人兴趣: Travel, indoor volleyball, food adventures, and fostering interpersonal relationships. 

Jen Izant-Gonzales詹妮弗Izant-Gonzales

  • 家乡: 加州纽瓦克
  • 本科: BA in Political 科学 with a Minor in History at UC Santa Barbara
  • 主要研究方向: Alternative education efforts that engage students and teachers in learning and the roles of county offices of education.
  • 个人兴趣: Spending time with my boys, walking, eating, cooking, and spending time with friends 和家人. 


  • 家乡: 得梅因,爱荷华州
  • 本科: BA in Political 科学 at San Diego State University
  • 研究生: MA in Journalism at Regent University
  • 主要研究方向: The evaluation of racial and social justice within education, understanding the benefits of ethnic studies and culturally relevant pedagogy in teacher professional development programs, along with the role of teacher unions in education reform.
  • 个人兴趣: Attending sporting events and concerts, photography, blogging, and spending time with 家人和朋友. 


  • 家乡: 得克萨斯州奥斯汀市
  • 本科: BA in History and BA in Politics, both at UC Santa 克鲁兹
  • 研究生: MA in 教育 at UC Santa 克鲁兹
  • 主要研究方向:
    • 学生的功效
    • 学生的动机
    • 测试和数据
  • 个人兴趣: Watching my three daughters do what they love, hiking with my wife, watching the San José Sharks, Texas Longhorns, and Warriors, and playing soccer. 


  • 家乡: 尼日利亚
  • 本科:  BA in Philosophy and BA in Theology, both at Bigard Memorial Seminary, Enugu
  • 研究生: MA in Pastoral Ministries and MA in 教育al Leadership, both at Santa Clara University
  • 主要研究方向: Effects of corporal punishment
  • 个人兴趣: 教育与发展 


  • 家乡: 圣克鲁斯,加利福尼亚
  • 本科: BS in Agricultural and Managerial Economics at UC Davis; BA in Mathematics at UC Santa 克鲁兹
  • 研究生: Master of 教育 Coursework at 圣何塞州立大学
  • 主要研究方向: 
    • Improving preparedness for underrepresented students in STEM preparation for post-secondary opportunities
    • Increasing teacher efficacy in mathematics
    • 课程设计
  • 个人兴趣: Family, outdoors, any body of water, hiking, travel, math, games. 


  • 家乡: 加州尽
  • 本科: BA in Physical Anthropology with a Minor in Naval 科学 at Oregon State University
  • 研究生: MA in Leadership 教育 and Development at George Washington University
  • 主要研究方向: Disproportionate disciplinary trends of Latinx students and its effect on their academic 身份与表现. Leadership education in K12 schools.
  • 个人兴趣: Farming, ranching, vineyard, community outreach, leadership speaking events, physical fitness training, and writing kids books. 


  • 家乡: 加州弗里蒙特
  • 本科: BA in Psychology at San Francisco State University
  • 研究生: MS in Counseling Psychology at CSU East Bay; MA in Philosophy at 圣何塞州立大学
  • 主要研究方向: 
    • Value and philosophy of education
    • 高等教育与政策
    • Critical leadership theories
    • Political dynamics of higher education administration
  • 个人兴趣: 我的家庭,理论化 的游戏 宝座, collecting tea sets, decorating dessert tables, crafts, writing poetry, and reading.


  • 家乡: 圣何塞,加利福尼亚
  • 本科: BS in Psychobiology at UC Los Angeles
  • 研究生: MA in 教育al Leadership at Santa Clara University
  • 主要研究方向: Exploring the perceived impacts of cell ph一个s on students' academic performance 心理健康.
  • 个人兴趣: Spending quality time with friends 


  • 家乡: 旧金山,加利福尼亚
  • 本科: BS in Biological 科学s at UC Davis
  • 研究生: 加州大学欧文分校生物学硕士
  • 主要研究方向: 
    • 学生的成功
    • Determining overt and covert requirements for admissions to graduate programs.
  • 个人兴趣: Salsa dancing, hiking, reading.


  • 家乡: 加州索莱达
  • 本科: BA in History and Religious Studies at Santa Clara University
  • 研究生: MA in Early Modern European History at Saint Louis University; Ed.M. 学校领导 Program at Harvard Graduate School of 教育
  • 主要研究方向: Organizational leadership, change, development.
  • 个人兴趣: 阅读和讨论...热爱学习新知识 