Office for 第九条 and Equal Opportunity

Introducing the Office for 第九条 and Equal Opportunity

The Office for 第九条 and Equal Opportunity combines two prior offices: the Title IX and Gender Equity Office and the Office for Equal Opportunity. 我们创造了这个 new office to simplify the reporting process by establishing 一个 place for all reports of protected status discrimination and harassment, including sex-based harassment, sexual misconduct, dating and domestic violence, stalking, and related retaliation.

The office will offer support and resources for those who are impacted by protected status discrimination, harassment, and related retaliation; disciplinary investigations involving any violation of the CSU Nondiscrimination Policy; and trainings on the office’s services, as well as the CSU's policies on discrimination, harassment, sex-based misconduct, and related retaliation.

Office for 第九条 and Equal Opportunity