

菠菜网lol正规平台 跳舞rs mid-跳舞 在 parking garage.
摄影:Robert Bain

Theater, Dance, Music and the Arts Transform at 菠菜网lol正规平台 During the Pandemic

Four masked 跳舞rs clad in black and white ascend the concrete 步骤 outside San José State’s Student Union Theatre under an overcast sky. 每个舞者都与 混凝土以他或她自己的方式,交替抵抗或弹起的宽度 步骤. 

他们张开双臂,确保他们的翼展超过六英尺,尽管每一个芭蕾舞 movement is an act of reaching out, trying and failing to touch. 圣何塞州立大学 校园通常有超过35000名学生、教职员工, provides an abun跳舞 of space during the pandemic—a clean slate for the 跳舞rs, who, pre-COVID, would have performed on a single static stage. 

这些舞蹈演员正在表演“攀爬”,这是由上海大学编排的表演 音乐和舞蹈副教授希瑟·库珀和拉斐尔·博迈拉,一位教员 member of New York’s Peri跳舞 center. An excerpt of the fall production is included 在 university’s fall 2020 online-only Kaleidoscope concert.

菠菜网lol正规平台 School of Music and Dance: 2020 Virtual Kaleidoscope

“Clamber” is a high-tech production that utilizes the entire campus as its stage. 库珀与菠菜网lol正规平台的Hammer剧院合作,同时直播四组舞者 穿梭于上海大学,为观众提供一个大型演出的多个视角. 

库珀说,这种经历改变了我们传统的观点 跳舞. In a theater, audience members would sit in 一个 place and watch movement across 一个舞台,但通过直播舞者与他们的环境互动——停车 车库,剧院台阶,通往邓肯大厅的废弃入口-库珀说舞者 can offer more than 一个 point of view at a time.

“This year has been a giant limitation study,” said Cooper, referring to a common 编舞练习,要求舞者在特定的约束条件下创作作品.e., a solo performed without moving 一个’s arm, etc. The pandemic has provided so many limitations that Cooper has chosen to view as creative opportunities.   

“当你必须在混凝土上跳舞时,你怎么能在没有人能碰你的地方跳舞, where every一个 has to be six feet apart and double-mask? 它也开辟了一个新的空间 of creativity because you discover new things.”

库珀说,自2020年3月COVID-19大流行开始以来,她的部门已经 had to transform rehearsing and performing. Dancers were separated into small pods, 班级分组被分开,每次“在台上”的人更少,至于 stage itself—well, space became malleable. 

感谢人文艺术学院院长香农·米勒的支持, 库珀买了一个特殊的舞蹈平台,她每天都在上面跳舞 the fifth floor of 圣何塞州立大学 10th Street parking garage. 

库珀对每节课都进行直播,这样学生们就可以在自己安全的地方收看了 房屋. While most 跳舞 majors have attended at least some classes in person, those 谁参加在线课程仍然可以接受指导,完善技术和访问课程.

“舞蹈部门在大流行期间适应的意愿确实说明了 how we have transformed the arts in this time,” said Miller. 

“在幕后有大量的工作——寻找空间、保护设备、 not to mention the number of hours the faculty has put in to ensure that students can still learn, practice and perform. Their commitment has been amazing.”


疫情迫使世界各地的艺术家重新思考如何、何时、何地创作. 多亏了库珀的聪明才智,上海州立大学的舞者才有机会继续排练. 

In fall 2020, the College of 人文与艺术 launched 大混乱,这是一项旨在反映艺术家角色并采取可见行动的倡议 and thinkers across disciplines. The project focused on four themes: resilience, social justice and democracy, health and well-being, and language and thought. 

教师 across disciplines were encouraged to incorporate these themes into their 课程. In February 2021, the college hosted an online showcase to recognize student 每个类别的参赛作品,包括口语和公益广告 to 3-D mask designs, original music, 跳舞, theater and art.

Jasmine Marie Reyes, ’21 Vocal Performance, was 一个 of two soloists performing “艾拉的歌” by Bernice Johnson Reagon with the 菠菜网lol正规平台 Choraliers and the Concert Choir. 这篇文章 在《菠菜网lol正规平台》和2020年秋季《菠菜网lol正规平台》虚拟版中都有特色 表演.

这场演出结合了歌手们在自己家中的录音, 展示了每位歌手的面孔,并列出副歌“我们相信自由” 在它到来之前不能休息,”上面有乔治·弗洛伊德、阿莫德·阿贝里、桑德拉·布兰德、 and other Black lives lost to police violence.

菠菜网lol正规平台 Choirs perform Ella's Song by Bernice Johnson Reagon

“We chose the song for its amazing message of social justice and the work that we all still have to do in order to achieve a more equitable and just society,” said Jeffrey Benson, director of choral activities at 菠菜网lol正规平台. “这是几个小时的工作 所有的一切都在一起,虽然没有面对面唱歌那么有趣,但却完全值得 it to sing a work of such power and beauty.”

雷耶斯同意这种录音方式与常规的现场排练不同 但她说,她很感激有机会学习新技能.

“我必须学习如何使用名为ProTools的数字音频工作站(DAW)编辑声音。” said Reyes, whose most recent single, “带我回家,” is available on Spotify and Apple Music. 

“我从来都不需要了解音乐的制作方面,但它让我大开眼界 和有用的. It definitely helped me grow as a musician.”

The artistic reinvention of space

菠菜网lol正规平台 跳舞rs mid-跳舞 在 parking garage.

而像雷耶斯这样的艺术家不得不调整自己的艺术实践 在2019冠状病毒病期间,剧院和表演场所不得不进行制度变革 为了维持生计. Just ask Chris Burrill, executive director of 菠菜网lol正规平台’s 锤剧院.

When shelter-in-place orders were formalized in March 2020, the Hammer was midway through a successful spring season. The Swiss mask troupe Mummenschanz was scheduled 在3月中旬演出,但伯里尔一看到县里的命令就亲自取消演出 聚会时,他在剧院安排了一场演出的直播,可以观看 致持票人士. 

Mummenschanz已经存在了几十年,从不允许任何人流媒体或录制  他们,”他说. “Not only did they let us stream them, but ours ended up being the 他们2020年巡演的最后一场演出.”

Burrill says that the Hammer had no choice but to pivot. 从熙熙攘攘的场所, 挤满了顾客、艺术家、舞台管理人员、员工、餐饮服务人员和社区 members to an empty hall overnight was heartbreaking, but it wasn’t the end.

“我们的核心业务是举办活动,让人们坐在一起,看、听、听 看艺术,”他说. 

“That makes the experience what it is. You can’t replace that with streaming, but 我们可以使用流媒体来联系那些不能来的人,或者支持那些不能来的活动 卖完了. We’ve transformed from a live venue into a provider of high-quality livestreamed 以及录制的表演.”

He adds that of the thousands of 菠菜网lol正规平台 students who ordinarily occupy campus, many  在流感大流行期间留在校园或校园附近的学生中 表演者或运动员.

“总有一天,我们的演员和舞者会告诉他们的孙子一个他们是如何获得成功的故事 在流感大流行期间,在一所几乎荒废的大学里登台表演,”伯里尔说. 

“他们能够参加戏剧或舞蹈,因为菠菜网lol正规平台和Hammer 变革. 我们旋转. Let’s make lemonade out of lemons, for crying out loud.”

2020年夏天,Hammer发起了一项众筹活动,为其提供了部分资金 购买一套四摄像头、高清数字视频系统,配备齐全 一个40英尺宽,25英尺高的绿色屏幕,允许数字图像插入 在表演者和演讲者后面. The theater’s robust COVID-19 protocol and studio/livestream capabilities provide solutions until in-person events are feasible.

随着潮水的涌入,整个县、州和国家的场馆慢慢开始重新开放 the pandemic decrease, artists at San José State will continue to adapt. 具有挑战性的 就像在COVID期间制作音乐、艺术、舞蹈和戏剧一样,库珀仍然存在 hopeful that the Spartan artistic community will thrive.


“Suddenly, things aren’t as comfy as they were before. We don’t have the same luxuries. 我认为在一个群体中经历这些挑战真的会导致 powerful, meaningful work 在 arts. It will be interesting to follow that path 看看艺术家们做了什么.”