Why Study Statistics

统计学领域为科学家提供了一些最有用的技术 for evaluating ideas, testing theory, and discovering the truth.

Statistics ... 这是世界上最重要的科学,因为它所依赖的 the practical application of every other science and of every art; the one science 对一切政治和社会管理、一切教育和一切组织都是必不可少的 以经验为基础,因为它只给出我们经验的结果. - Florence Nightingale

总有一天,统计思维将成为高效公民的必要条件 ability to read and write. - H.G. Wells

从医学研究到研究实验,从持续运行的卫星 从全球到无处不在的社交网站,如Facebook或MySpace,从民意调查 从各组织到联合国观察员,到处都在收集数据 all the time. 统计知识为您提供必要的工具和概念 在定量推理的基础上,从中智能地提取信息 sea of data.

Who needs statistics in the 21st century?

任何想要批判性地看待数字信息的人 misled. 任何有问题要解决的人,他们解决不了的问题,直到 they find out a little more about the world and how it operates. Such problems include 想办法让生意更赚钱,同时改善生活 standards and fighting cancer. Investigative questioning, designing ways to collect 数据来回答这些问题,收集数据,并理解这些数据 说要产生可靠的答案——这是统计学的主题.

We live in an information age.

计算机使我们能够收集和存储大量的信息 would not even have been dreamed of. What is this information? It might be costs, 价值、销售量、测量、评级、距离、价格、百分比、计数、 times, or market shares. But raw, undigested data stored on computer disks is of no use until we can start to make sense of it. Statistics is the human side of the computer revolution, an information science, the science (and art!) of extracting meaning from seemingly incomprehensible data. In your future life and career, you will need to 能够很好地利用这些信息来做出合理的决定.

The study and practice of statistics is exciting.

在一个星期内,一个执业统计学家可以帮助设计一个实验来评估 对一种疾病的新疗法的效果,分析一组由一个 生态学家,并帮助货运公司研究工作流程,以找到制造方法 the company more profitable.

Statistics in the News

According to the Wall Street Journal在美国,排名前三的职业是(1)数学家,(2)精算师,(3)统计学家. Of course an actuary 仅仅是一个专门测量风险的统计学家,通常是为保险公司 在公司,一个可以通过获得统计学学位来实现的职业. And an applied 数学家可以在许多领域工作,但最终往往会像计算机一样工作 programmer, an engineer, or as statistician. Thus we see that of two-hundred professions studied, the top three are all for statisticians.

《lol菠菜网正规平台》的另一篇文章,这次是在旧金山湾区 Edition, says that " 地区雇主更青睐统计专家而非计算机科学通才".

A recent article in the New York Times titled " For Today's Graduate, Just One Word: Statistics概述了统计学是一个新兴领域的许多原因,包括引用 谷歌首席经济学家哈尔·瓦里安(Hal Varian)说:“我一直在说性感 job in the next 10 years will be statisticians".


拥有良好定量分析能力的毕业生在世界各地都很抢手. There 拥有统计学学位的毕业生是否有良好的职业前景 其他学科的知识,如工程,商业,科学,社会科学, the arts and virtually any other field that you can imagine. All of the statistics 圣何塞州立大学数学系提供的学位提供 学生不仅有机会提高他们的统计技能,而且采取 courses in a field of application of the student's choosing.


  • 生态学家(环境监测、水质控制、物种管理)
  • 图像处理(计算机视觉、人脸检测、遥感)
  • 生物统计学家(设计和分析临床试验和流行病学研究)
  • 金融分析师(设计投资策略和管理银行风险) other large businesses)
  • Actuaries (in the insurance and superannuation industry)
  • 市场研究人员(进行调查和实验,识别市场机会; 测试消费者的认知,选择和广告的有效性,并预测 market trends)
  • 计量经济学家(从个体企业的各个层面调查经济) through national economies)
  • Epidemiologist (examine patterns in health and sickness)
  • 质量经理(提高企业和工业的产品和服务质量)
  • 运筹学和优化(寻找如何最有效地利用 limited resources, e.g. stock control strategies for supermarkets and manufacturers, 安排排班,为机队制订具成本效益的维修策略 车辆(确定医院病房所需的床位数量)
  • Bioinformatician (study DNA data)
  • 气候学家或气象学家(天气预报都是关于概率和历史的 data)
  • Demographer (studying the dynamics of human populations)
  • 程序员(统计计算是一项非常抢手的技能)
  • 心理测量师(教育测量或心理测量)
  • 统计物理学家(利用统计力学研究热力学)
  • 学生感兴趣的任何其他职业选择或领域

Sources For Further Research

The Council of Graduate schools 给出了学生应该获得硕士学位的各种理由,尤其是 a professional science masters degree like the MS Statistics offered at San Jose State University.

The Bureau of Labor Statistics 除其他事项外,表明统计的使用是广泛和不断增长的, 拥有统计学学位的人在各个领域都有机会, and that the median salary of statisticians is $80,110.

The American Statistical Association's careers page 包含到关于统计学家做什么的信息的几个页面的链接 variety of fields that employ statisticians.

The Institute of Mathematical Statistics as well as the Royal Statistical Society's career page contain a wealth of valuable tools for statisticians world wide.