

Adjunct Professor, 公共关系


电话: 650-281-9023

电子邮件: 安迪.lutzky@shopcadeau.net


Andy's 15-year career in marketing and communications has spanned pro sports, to technology, and government, both agency and in-house, to earned media, social media, influencer marketing, and more.

He is currently the Executive Vice President of Brand 合作伙伴关系 for XOMAD, 一个 of the world's oldest and most advanced influencer marketing firms, where he helps brand marketing leaders engage with influencer communities. Before that, Andy served as the first Chief Marketing and Communications Officer for the City of San Jose. 

Andy spent more than 12 years at Edelman, the world's largest public relations firm, where he rose to the rank of Senior Vice President and Head of Consumer Technology. He and his teams built and led global, integrated communications marketing campaigns for top brands like Samsung, Microsoft, Google, PayPal, HP, Coursera, AMD, and many 其他人.

Andy kicked off his career as the team editor for the San Francisco 49ers of the National 足球联赛. He graduated from Vanderbilt University.

In his spare time, Andy loves basketball, running and cooking (though not all at the 同一时间).

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