
Prospective Bachelor of 科学 in 跨学科的工程 (BSIDE) Students

跨学科的工程 (IDE) is a much broader view of 工程 than traditional 工程学科. IDE requires the same basic skills and knowledge as other 工程 fields but with emphasis placed on a more system perspective and working with other non-工程 groups. While traditional 工程 will always be required for existing and new technologies, IDE is a growing discipline applied in a variety of 工程 opportunities, such as: consulting, research, law, medicine, 工程, project management, business, space and more. BSIDE program offers students the 机会 of obtaining a minor degree or following a 'track', for example, the pre-law track for students who are interested in a career in the intellectual property law area. 

An important aspect of the curriculum for a BS in IDE is that it can be customized 基于学生的职业目标. It is designed to ensure that not only the basic math and science skills are acquired but also courses necessary for communication and working in teams which are necessary skills for successfully accomplishing 工程 项目.  的 greater challenges of new and emerging technologies will require working with non-工程 groups as well.  For more information on BSIDE visit 项目概述 页面. 

的 following web 页面s provide information on admission application, cost, and scholarship 机会.

Admission Application and Requirement




FAQ for prospective BSIDE students


创新 drives our lives, and an IDE degree teaches you how to innovate. IDE pre-law track supplements this training by introducing you to another important aspect of innovation: protecting innovation through intellectual property law. 这个跟踪 features two cutting-edge courses taught by experts in the field of intellectual property that will be introduced for the first time in Spring 2022: ENGR 130 Introduction to Intellectual Property 为工程师 and in Fall 2022 ENGR 131 Introduction to Patents 为工程师. Explore expanding the scope of your IDE degree into the legal arena, and read more about the pre-law track below!

Video testimony from Christopher Reed, JD., 菠菜网lol正规平台工程校友. 

Video testimony from Vignesh Ramachandran, JD., 菠菜网lol正规平台工程校友. 

Video testimony from Andy Han, JD., 菠菜网lol正规平台工程校友.

What can I do with the IDE prelaw track? 

IDE prelaw track prepares you to for many exciting careers in high demand. 这是 a sampling of some of the careers you’ll be prepared to pursue: 


IP attorneys are practicing lawyers who specialize in intellectual property law. 经常 times, they help clients establish and protect their intellectual property rights. 

教育al Requirements: In order to be an IP attorney, you'll have to go to law 学校. A degree in 工程, especially with a track in IDE, can prepare you for law 学校 by training your critical thinking skills and giving you the background necessary to understand some of the intellectual property you may end up protecting. 

Learn more aout Intellectual Property Law at the United States Patent and Trademark 办公室 USPTO.

专利/ TM代理

Patent and TM agents work with inventors on filing for patent and trademark protection. 的y are professionally licensed by the United States Patent and Trademark 办公室 (USPTO). 

教育al Requirements: You don't need a law degree to become a patent agent, though you do need an undergraduate degree in an approved major--such as interdisciplinary 工程! In addition, you'll have to pass the USPTO's patent bar exam. 

了解更多关于 成为专利从业者


Legal engineers work in the intersection of law and technology. 例如,他们 might help determine whether a legal service can be standardized into a product, or 帮助创造这些产品.

教育al Requirements: You don't need a law degree to be a legal engineer, though some legal engineers have them and it helps to be familiar with legal processes. 的 ability to think creatively, communicate with both lawyers and technologists, and understand the intersection of law and technology are essential skills. 你可以建立 这些技能与IDE的轨道!

阅读更多 American Society of Legal Engineers.


的 beauty of the intersection between law, technology, and 工程 is that you 能创造自己的职业道路吗. You'll have a unique mix of skills that are in high 许多行业的需求. 


想了解更多? We have a full advising team who can answer your questions about IDE法律预科课程. 



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A 4-year program of study road map can be found 法律预科课程旁边