
1970 | 1971 | 1972 | 1973 | 1974 | 1975 | 1976 | 1977 | 1978 | 1979


  • 1970. 小詹姆斯·布朗. Geophysical Investigations of the Empire Cave, North of Santa 克鲁斯,加州. 59 p.
  • 1970. 卡特,C. H. 加州佩拉索山脊地区的地质. 70 p.
  • 1970. 邓恩,乔治. Petrology of a Portion of the Pat Keyes Pluton, Inyo County, 加州. 73 p.
  • 1970. 格林,加里. Morphology, Sedimentation and Seismic Characteristics of an Arctic 海滩,诺姆,阿拉斯加和经济意义. 139 p.
  • 1970. 米切尔,玛莎. 硫化汞和硒化汞的蒸气压. 92 p.
  • 1970. 小约翰·奥凯恩. 加州蒙特利湾的硅鞭毛虫. 92 p.
  • 1970. 奥尔森,罗伯特. 地质 of the Northweastern Inyo Mountains, Inyo 县,加州. 73 p.



  • 1971. 史蒂文奥斯丁. 均变论批判. 121 p.
  • 1971. 鲍尔,保罗. 地质 of the Redwood Retreat-Croy Ridge Area of Santa Clara County, 加州. 74 p.
  • 1971. Cooper,艾伦. Structure of the Continental Shelf West of San Francisco, 加州. 65 p.
  • 1971. Endo,艾略特. Focal Mechanisms for the May 15-18, 1970 Shallow Kilauea Earthquake 群. 165 p.
  • 1971. 洛克,詹姆斯. Sedimentation and Foraminiferal Aspects of the Recent Sediments 圣巴勃罗湾. 100 p.
  • 1971. Mankinen,爱德华. Paleomagnetism and Potassium-Argos Ages of the Sonoma Volcanics, 加州. 67 p.
  • 1971. 里德利,艾伯特. Devonian and Mississippian Sedimentation and Stratigraphy of the Mazourka Canyon Area, Inyo Mountains, Inyo 县,加州. 78 p.
  • 1971. Sheth是马. A Heavy Mineral Study of Pleistocene and Holocene Sediments 在阿拉斯加诺姆附近. 83 p.
  • 1971. 索伦森,马丁. Petrology of Some Sandst一个s from the Eastern Olympic Peninsula, 华盛顿. 57 p.
  • 1971. 小斯宾塞·克莱德. Statistical Correlation of Platinum Metals with Heavy Minerals in Stream Sediments of the Klamath 加州山脉. 62 p.
  • 1971. 小费尔南多·巴尔德斯. 超镁铁质岩石的磁重研究 在加州米克营地附近. 116 p.



  • 1972. 班尼特,犹太人的尊称. 地质 of the Dexter Canyon Area, Santa Clara 县,加州. 67 p.
  • 1972. 使不漏水,刘易斯. The Effects of a Basalt Intrusion on the Fission Tract Ages of Accessory Minerals in the Cathedral Peak Granite, 加州. 37 p.
  • 1972. 水芹,利兰. 内华达州尤里卡县卡林窗口地区的地质. 103 p.
  • 1972. Dittmer,埃里克. 蒙特雷湾泥沙收支分析. 132 p.
  • 1972. 利奥波德,劳伦斯. A Study of Seaward Dipping Internal Structures within Large 海洋环境中的尺度涟漪痕迹. 61 p.
  • 1972. 莱文,扫罗. Detection of Faults in the Hollister Valley, 加州 by Thermal 映射技术. 68 p.


  • 1973. Batchelder,约翰. A Study of Stable Isotopes and Fluid Inclusions at Copper 峡谷,兰德县,内华达州. 92 p.
  • 1973. 坎宁安,加里. Ablation Studies of an Artificial Meteor of Olivine Composition. 59 p.
  • 1973. 凯利,我. S. Structural 地质 of a Portion of the Southwest Quarter of the 纽约巴特四合院,因约县,加利福尼亚州. 93 p.
  • 1973. 麦克劳克林,罗伯特. 地质 of the Sargent Fault Z一个 in the Vicinity of Mount 麦当娜,圣克拉拉和圣克鲁斯县,加州. 131 p.



  • 1974. Elayer,罗伯特. Stratigraphy and Structure of the Southern Inyo Mountains, Inyo 县,加州. 121 p.
  • 1974. 架,菲利普. 山体滑坡. 加州圣克拉拉县的锡泽区. 87 p.
  • 1974. 小西蒙尼·徒利. 地质 of the Loma Prieta Area, Santa Clara and Santa Cruz 县,加州. 75 p.
  • 1974. Sumsion R. 斯科特. Stratigraphy and Fusulinid Paleontology of Permian Exposures 在内华达州尤里卡附近. 127 p.
  • 1974. 瓦格纳,黛娜. Lower Permian Paleogeography and Fusulinid Paleontology, Northeastern 内华达州和犹他州西部. 254 p.



  • 1975. Bargar基斯. Effects of Water Storage Regulation upon Sedimentation in Lexington 以及加州圣克拉拉县的郊狼水库. 151 p.
  • 1975. 戴维斯,爱丽丝. 人造流星烧蚀研究:铁和镍铁. 67 p.
  • 1975. 基思,威廉. 地质 of the Red Mountain Mining District, Esmeralda County, 内华达. 75 p.
  • 1975. Osbun, Erik. 地质 of the Sveadal Area, Southern Santa Cruz 加州山脉. 156 p.
  • 1975. 兰德尔,理查德. 地质 of the Salt Springs Area, Death Valley, 加州, 及其与早中生代区域构造的关系. 62 p.
  • 1975. Rodeick,克雷格. The Origin, Distribution and Depositional History of Gravel 阿拉斯加波弗特海大陆架上的沉积物. 87 p.
  • 1975. Seidelman,保罗. Seismically-induced geologic hazards in San Mateo, 加州. 65 p.
  • 1975. 警长,阿克巴. Origin and Distribution of Terrigenous Detritus in the Late Early Permian of the Central Cordilleran Miogeosyncline, Utah and 内华达. 69 p.
  • 1975. 托雷斯,艾德里安. 加州马林县波利纳斯的山体滑坡. 123 p.
  • 1975. 瓦格纳,大卫. Mesozoic 地质 of the Walter Springs Area, Napa 县,加州. 68 p.



  • 1976. Bartsch-Winkler,苏珊. 圣克拉拉县奥克平牧场地区的地质, 加州. 52 p.
  • 1976. 卡罗瑟斯,威廉. Alphatic Acids and Stable Carbon Isotopes of Oil Field Waters 在加州的圣华金河谷. 68 p.
  • 1976. 霍尔顿,肯尼斯. 中部阿古斯山脉的地质学. 65 p.
  • 1976. 梅西,乔纳森. Sediment yield of the Upper San Lorenzo Watershed Using quantitative 地貌和沉积物取样方法. 127 p.
  • 1976. 席尔瓦,劳伦斯. Landslides in the Upper Kings Creek and Deer Creek Watersheds, 加州城堡岩州立公园. 100 p.
  • 1976. 斯图尔特,詹姆斯. Stratigraphy and Structure of a Portion of Southwestern New York 加州因约县的巴特四合院. 178 p.
  • 1976. 托德,威廉. A Gravity, Magnetic and Seismic Investigation of the Providencia 矿山附近,新阿尔马登,加利福尼亚. 59 p.



  • 1977. 肚子,弗兰克. On the Origin of Extraterrestrial Stratospheric Particles: Interplanetary 流星烧蚀碎片的尘埃? 71 p.
  • 1977. 醒来时,约翰. Distribution and Petrology of the Anderson-Coyote Reservoir Volcanic 岩石. 105 p.
  • 1977. 珍珠,詹姆斯. Petrology of Tertiary Sedimentary 岩石 in the Northwesternmost 华盛顿奥林匹克半岛的一部分. 91 p.
  • 1977. 罗斯,布鲁斯. The Pleistocene History of the San Francisco Bay Along the Southern 穿越. 121 p.



  • 1978. 艾伯特,奈恩. Application of Computer-Enhanced Landsat Imagery to Mineral Resource 阿拉斯加中南部的评估. 141 p.
  • 1978. 布朗,珍妮特. Sedimentology of a Late Pleistocene and Holocene Continental and 河口矿床,加州山景城. 74 p.
  • 1978. 康利,大卫. Stratigraphy and Depositional History of the Owens Valley formation 在Type Locality, Inyo县,加利福尼亚. 62 p.
  • 1978. Dockter,罗杰. Stratigraphy and Fusulinid Paleontology of Permian Exposures 在内华达州的钻石泉四合院. 128 p.
  • 1978. Haltenhoff,弗雷德里克. 大峡谷层序及相关岩石地质学 in a Portion of the Dublin 7 1/2 Minute Quadrangle, 加州. 78 p.
  • 1978. 山,詹姆斯. Stratigraphy and Paleoenvironment of the Miocene Monterey Group 在加州的东旧金山湾地区. 113 p.
  • 1978. 詹姆斯,康普德. 地质 of the Northeastern Part of the Leach Range, Elko 县,内华达州. 71 p.
  • 1978. 梅斯,珍妮. Petrology of the Santa Rita Flat Pluton, Inyo 加州山脉. 95 p.
  • 1978. 莫菲特,约翰. Depositional History of Late Paleozoic 岩石 in the Southeastern 达尔文山,加利福尼亚. 66 p.
  • 1978. 波特,爱德华. 地质 and Hazards of the Bohlman Road Region, Santa Clara 县,加州. 136 p.
  • 1978. 里德,乔治. The Relationships Among Slope Processes, Soils, Bedrock, and Topography in an Area of Franciscan Terrane in Marine 县,加州. 90 p.
  • 1978. Rymer,迈克尔. Stratigraphy of the Cache Formation (Pleistocene) in Clear Lake 盆地,湖县,加州. 99 p.
  • 1978. 辛普森,Garey. Shoal Migration and Dune Encroachment, North Harbor, Moss Landing, 加州. 48 p.
  • 1978. 怀特利,凯伦. 地质 of a Portion of the Hayward 7 1/2' Quadrangle, Alameda 县,加州. 113 p.



  • 1979. 阿明,理查德. 地质 of the Southeastern Stansbury Mountains and Southern Onaqui Mountains, Tooele County, Utah, With a Paleoenvironmental Study of Part of 奥奎尔集团. 105 p.
  • 1979. 班尼特,迈克尔. Depositional Environment and Geotechnical Properties of Quaternary Sediment from South San Francisco Bay, San Mateo 县,加州. 133 p.
  • 1979. DeCoster,朱迪思. Landslide Deposits, their Slope, Exposure, and Degree of Slope 在山的区域. 汉密尔顿,加州. 43 p.
  • 1979. 皮,罗伯特. Stratigraphy and Structure of a Portion of the Southeastern Inyo 加州山脉. 60 p.
  • 1979. 李特佛尔德,罗伯特. 美国长约翰峡谷地区的构造分析 纽约巴特四合院,因约县,加利福尼亚州. 118 p.
  • 1979. 彼得森,大卫. Hillslope Erosion Processes Related to Bedrock Soils, and Topography 加州马林县的三峰地区. 94 p.
  • 1979. 所罗门,巴里. 内华达州埃尔科附近的地质和油页岩资源. 142 p.
  • 1979. Younse,加里. The Stratigraphy and Phosphoritic 岩石 of the Robinson Canyon, Laureles Grande Area. 127 p.
  • 1979. Ziemianski,韦恩. Clay Mineral Changes Associated with Intensification of Glaciation 在挪威-格陵兰海. 44 p.
