
We have 一个 cycle of admissions per year, and applications open on October 1st. 验收 信件将于次年4月/ 5月寄出.


Applicants must have completed a bachelor’s degree from an accredited institution 申请时,需提交以下申请材料:

申请通过 加州申请. 只接受秋季学期的申请. 创建一个帐户,然后搜索 设计硕士动画专业(专题). 选择此程序 在圣何塞州立大学完成申请.

的n submit the following required materials to the 设计系 via the Slideroom门户:


  • 简历(1-2页,PDF) summarizing the applicant's education, awards or recognition, work experience, travel, 语言和特殊技能.
  • 非正式笔录(PDF) 从他们获得学位的每个机构.
  • 一篇简短的个人陈述(最多3600字) 请 write a statement of intent that articulates your goals and how you expect 设计硕士课程为你实现你的意图做准备. 告诉我们 your aesthetic influences, creative interests, professional aspirations as an artist 并解释你为什么要攻读动画研究生学位. 

If possible please include comments on the specific areas on which you would like to concentrate (animation, games, TV productions, film, 等,) and your goals upon 完成硕士学位.


你为什么对攻读设计硕士学位感兴趣? 为什么是现在? 为什么选择菠菜网lol正规平台

2) How has your background (professional experience and/or previous studies) sparked 对硕士学位的兴趣? 到底是什么激发了你对追求的兴趣 硕士学位?


We recommend you use a text editor to work on your statement (keeping track of your 字数统计),然后复制并粘贴在SlideRoom当它准备好了.

  • 两封推荐信(PDF)  from individuals who can attest to you, the applicant's creativity and aptitude as 以及过去工作的质量和未来成就的潜力.  Letters can be from professors or supervisors/directors who have worked with you. 该部门不提供正式的推荐表格. 
  • A “的预案” with an indication of the type of project you want to develop while (最多1-2页,PDF格式) - Since there’s a variety of projects that can be developed in our program, it is important 让我们知道你对什么样的创意项目最感兴趣. 这并不 mean you have to commit to do exactly the project you are describing in your 的预案. Most likely your project will take a different shape and/or direction as you progress 通过我们的课程. 然而,由于这是一个动手的项目,我们会 我想知道你对开发什么感兴趣.

你想拍一部短片吗? 你想为电视节目制作试播集吗? 你想要创造一款电子游戏吗? 我们课程的一个核心部分是发展 一个创造性的项目,从头到尾. 请告诉我们是什么样的项目 你希望在我们的项目中得到发展. 这应该是一个简短的总结 描述,不超过1页. 添加草图、图纸或初步设计 如果你觉得图片对传达你的想法很重要,那就去那个页面吧. 如果你 已经有了一个主题或话题,你可以给我们一个简短的提纲. ……很重要。 解决一个可能的最终项目的媒介和主题. 如果你有首字母 ideas for story or visual style you can add that as well, though that is optional. 

Our Master’s program is about developing student projects, and these projects can 独立或合作. 然而,我们相信合作项目可以 提供更多的机会来结合专业知识并取得更好的结果. 如果你 have an interest in collaborations with other students please indicate that in your 的预案.

  • 以前工作的作品集  提交至“SlideRoom”. 你的投资组合将给我们一个想法,你在哪里作为 一个艺术家,让我们了解你的艺术品味和能力. 为了 for your portfolio to be seriously considered by the faculty committee and in order to produce the most advantageous presentation, it is important to follow the guidelines. 请仔细阅读以下要求:

最多15件. 请包括你最好的和最近的艺术作品的选择. If the artwork was part of a collaborative project let us know exactly what was your 具体的贡献. 

Your work can be in any medium (for example: storyboards, graphic novels, animated scenes, concept designs, character designs, paintings, drawings, 3D models, rigs and illustrations, digital paintings, samples of digital work such as modeling, rigging 或照明.)如果提交的作品样本超过三分钟,则不允许 从整体上看.

  • 重要提示:不要提交预先格式化的作品集. 提交个人的单独图像 作品,每页1件. Do not submit composited images, or links to websites, and please make sure that the 图片填充幻灯片.


  1. 每件作品的名称和制作年份
  2. 制作年份
  3. 媒介(绘画、2D动画、3D动画、素描等)
  4. For each of you portfolio entries under “Description”  please specify exactly what you did (the whole piece, animation of all characters, lighting of the shot, storyboards 等) and write a short sentence explaining why you chose to include that  piece in 这个组合

*Do not add captions, descriptions, titles or other extraneous text within the area 你在哪里上传你的照片. 使用SlideRoom中的“Description”区域添加任何额外的内容 信息.

Though not a requirement, we would like to see portfolio pieces that somewhat relate 你的创意项目预提案. 例如,如果你对发展感兴趣 a short animated film, it would be great to see artwork that showcases your work related to the area of animation, such as animated scenes or tests, concept designs, character 设计或故事板. 如果你对开发游戏感兴趣,那就太好了 to see artwork that   relates to the type of game you are interested in developing (设计、游戏原型等)


视频- We accept short videos showcasing samples of your animations, animatics or rigging. In terms of animation, we accept individual shots, or shots/sequences in which you have contributed as a storyboard artist, or animator, rigger, 或照明/compositing 艺术家等. 一定要说明你上传的每个视频都做了什么. 每一个 单个镜头或序列计算为一个作品集. 请有所选择 short sections of work that best represent your contributions to each specific project. As an alternative, you can upload a short demo reel (最多2分钟) showing a collection 剪辑在一起的照片,可以算作一个作品集. 样品应 直接上传到SlideRoom(请不要有Vimeo或Youtube链接).

我们也接受 短片 (最多2分钟). 如果您的短片超过2分钟,请只选择 把影片中最好的部分剪辑到2分钟以内. 请 specify what was your role in the short film, and what were your contributions. If you work on a short film in a capacity other than as a director (part of a crew), please upload only the shots in which you have worked on, and specify your contributions. 确保您的视频被压缩到H264,并且不超过2分钟. 的 委员会不会对超过2分钟的作业进行评估. 如果你包括 rigging in your portfolio please submit a short film showing your rig functionality.

所有视频,请 将它们压缩为H264,并将它们编辑到最多2分钟. 

Still Images - 插图s, models, character and environment designs, storyboards, 等.: 如果你 are a graphic novelist or comic book artist you can upload a PDF showing 一页你的作品. 角色设计,插图和故事板可以上传 作为单独的图像作为PDF, jpeg, png等.

速写本页面: 的 admissions committee would love to see spreads showing 2 or more pages of a sk等hbook 你一直在做的事情. 请拍下你认为是 你最好的,并上传为jpeg或PDF.

请 remember that we are looking for personal work that gives us a sense of who 你是作为一个艺术家,而不是技术练习. 请不要包括通用 class assignments (bouncing ball or walk cycles, for example), or figure/life drawing, still life drawings, unless you believe they offer a view of a personal and/or unique 作为艺术家的方法.


  1. 图片(每张最多5MB)
  2. 视频(每段不超过250MB)
  3. pdf文件(每个不超过10MB)
  • I国际学生必须具备英语语言能力. One of the following is required (all test scores must be less than two years old):
  1. A TOEFL (Test of English as a Foreign Language) score of at least 590 (paper based), 243 (computer based), or 96 (internet based), with a score of 5 in the Writing Section;
  2. PTE (Pearson Test of English)成绩不低于68分;
  3. International English Language Testing System (IELTS - institution code 4687) score 至少7个.0;

研究生入学考试A 不是必需的.

