CPT Guide for CMPE/SE International Undergraduates


Due to the complications of adding students to CMPE 180 after the add 的最后期限, the CMPE Department will not allow students to enroll into CMPE 180 AFTER the add 的最后期限. The add 的最后期限s are posted on the 登记的日历 for each term. 这意味着 you will need to find an internship, get an offer letter, and submit it to your advisor 在添加截止日期之前. 在添加截止日期前提交表格 will not guarantee you to get your documents reviewed and approved with an add code to CMPE 180 sent 那天下午4:30之前给你. CMPE部门不会做出 任何异常.

为第四步做准备:寻找实习机会 & 去参加招聘会 职业中心 支持. You should search for summer internships in the fall semesters.



iss CPT资格



Step 3: Confirm with your major department that they offer an internship course

答:是的,课程是CMPE 180(3个单元). 每年秋天,春天, & 夏天.


  • Make sure the offer letter follows the guidelines from the iss CPT页面 完全. Any missing information can cause your CPT request to be delayed or denied.
  • 常见的信息缺失:
    • job description of your day-to-day responsibilities (shouldn't be overly vague)
    • physical address where you specifically will work (address will not suffice if it is at the top or bottom of the letterhead as this can mean company headquarters and 而不是你将要工作的地方.)
    • start and end date (MUST meet the within the specified duration noted on the iss CPT 页面)
  • If you have any concerns or doubts about your offer letter, please contact ISSS.





2023年春季 2022年12月15日- 2023年5月23日 2022年12月1日- 2023年3月16日* 2022年2月20日
2023年夏天 2023年5月24日- 2023年8月16日 2023年4月1日- 2023年7月1日 2023年6月7日
2023年秋季 2023年8月21日- 2023年12月15日 2023年7月15日- 2023年10月 2023年9月15日


*CMPE Department 的最后期限 is on the last day to add courses for the semester (see 登记的日历).

Step 5: Gather CPT documents to send to major advisor

使用iss CPT申请表附上你的1.封面/CMPE 180表格,非官方 transcript, AND the offer letter (w/ job description) for review.

请注意: If you have any mistakes to your forms or need to make changes or edits, you will need to cancel your CPT  Request Form and start over to attach the updated documents. Your advisor reviewing the form will let you know if there are any mistakes or information 需要更正或更新的内容.

  • Who to send iss CPT申请表格 (online) and other documents to in the CMPE Department:
    • Name of departmental advisor: Monica Serna -OR- Martin Alvarez Lopez
    • 学术部门:计算机工程
    • 职位:学术顾问
    • 电子邮件:undergradadvisor-cmpe-se@shopcadeau.net

Step 6: Your major advisor will conduct a review of your CPT request

  • If approved, you will receive an email with your signed iss CPT form and an add code (也就是许可号)到CMPE 180-01.
  • If denied, you will receive an email stating that you did not meet the eligibility 需求.
  • If unsigned, you will receive an email requesting you to update documents or to answer 一些进一步的问题. 请仔细阅读邮件.

Step 7: If approved, enroll into CMPE 180 immediately.

  • 重要提示: Due to the complications of adding students to CMPE 180 after the add 的最后期限, the CMPE Department will not allow students to enroll into CMPE 180 AFTER the add 的最后期限. The add 的最后期限s are posted on the 登记的日历 for each term. 这意味着 you will need to find an internship, get an offer letter, and submit it 在添加截止日期之前提交给指导老师. 在添加截止日期前提交表格 will not guarantee you to get your documents reviewed and approved with an add code to CMPE 180 sent 那天下午4:30之前给你. CMPE部门不会做出 任何异常.

Step 8: Your iss CPT form and offer letter documents will automatically be sent to 在主要指导老师签署你的表格后.

  • ISSS will only start processing your paperwork after you have enrolled into CMPE 180.
  • ISSS将处理SSN和i -20


How many units can I take while doing an internship?

12 - 13单元. We do not recommend doing an internship if you are taking over 13 units as this can significantly impact your academic performance and time that you can dedicate 你的课程作业. You are a student first and your primary goal is to do well in your courses to graduate with the knowledge you need for the industry.

Is there a limit on the number of CPT authorizations? 或者对数量的限制 我可以参加CMPE 180课程?

Although gaining practical training is a valuable complement to a student's education, the primary purpose of F-1 status is full-time study. 鼓励F-1学生 to focus on their academic success and ensure that CPT employment activities do not interfere with the primary purpose of their stay in the U.S. 

 *The CMPE Department does not currently limit the number of times CMPE or SE undergraduates may enroll in the internship course or the number of CPT authorizations as long as 它不会影响你的学术工作. 如果你的学习成绩不好 affected by doing these internships, we may deny future CPT requests until you bring 提高学习成绩. 

Am I required to take the an internship class to receive CPT authorization?

是的. All F-1 students looking to join an internship must enroll into the internship class (CMPE 180) in order to be approved for CPT. 

Can I have an on-campus job and do an internship at the same time?

Per 计算机工程 Department policy, a student cannot participate in both a CPT实习和一份校内工作. You will need to confirm that you are not working on-campus and that you do not plan to add an on-campus job while doing a CPT on the CMPE 180封面的第一页. 

Does the internship course, CMPE 180, count towards program 需求?

This course does not count as a program requirement.
