ChAD Lab Preschool

ChAD Lab Preschool

At our Child Development Laboratory Preschool at 圣何塞州立大学, we believe that young children's development can be enhanced intellectually, emotionally, and socially when children are free to explore an environment that is rich in activities, safe in its physical design and implementation, and staffed by knowledgeable individuals 谁在与孩子的互动中是尊重的.

In addition to creating a safe, fun, and educational learning environment for children, our preschool also creates opportunities for 菠菜网lol正规平台 students who are studying child 发展学术和专业成长.

About Us

We operate two classrooms, a toddler lab for children who are 2 years of age and a 适合3-5岁儿童的多年龄段实验室. 我们遵循菠菜网lol正规平台的学术日历 在秋季和春季学期上课. 偶尔我们会拥抱 a summer session.

Fall 2023 Calendar

  • Monday, August 28 | 秋季课程的第一天
  • Monday, September 4 | Closed for Labor Day
  • 11月23日至24日(星期四至星期五) |感恩节闭馆
  • Tuesday, November 28 | 春季课程的最后一天
  • 11月29日周三- 12月5日周二 家长会

Spring 2024 Calendar 

  • Wednesday, January 31 | 春季课程的第一天
  • 4月1日星期一- 4月5日星期五 Closed for Spring Break
  • Monday, May 6 | 春季课程的最后一天
  • 5月9日星期四- 5月15日星期三 家长会 


  • 9月1日必须满2岁

2 Day Schedule Options

  • 周一和周三,9:00-11:00am OR 星期二和星期四,9:00-11:00am
  • Fee for August: $40
  • Fee for September, October, November, February, March, and April: $200/month
  • There is no fee for May

4 Day Schedule Option

  • Monday-Thursday, 9:00-11:00am
  • Fee for August: $60
  • Fee for September, October, November, February, March, and April: $330/month
  • The is no fee for May


  • 到9月1日必须满3岁,并且完全学会上厕所吗

Morning Schedule Option

  • Monday-Thursday, 9:00-11:30am
  • August fee: $60
  • Fee for September, October, November, February, March, and April: $320/month
  • There is no fee for May


  • Monday-Thursday, 12:30-3:00pm
  • August fee: $50
  • Fee for September, October, November, February, March, and April: $300/month
  • There is no fee for May

A $45 non-refundable registration fee is required of all new applicants on their first day of class. 学费在每月的第一个上学日缴纳. Checks payable to 菠菜网lol正规平台, and please write your child’s name on your check in the memo section.

Child playing outdoors

Our Philosophy

我们相信孩子在玩耍中学习效果最好! 当孩子们动手时, developmentally appropriate play experiences the learning is limitless. This means the children will get messy by doing what they choose –painting, building, playing 游戏,运用他们的想象力等等. 孩子们将被邀请去问很多问题 关于环境的问题. Through active inquiry and with support/guidance from responsive Teachers, the children 会回答自己的问题吗.

孩子们也会花时间与同龄人交往. We believe that through socialization, children will learn how to be more productive, successful, and caring. We focus a lot of time and energy on language development because every child will be communicating, negotiating, and problem solving for the rest of their lives. We believe that supporting a child’s interest will create their momentum of becoming a lifelong learner.

Kindergarten readiness is on our minds and in our daily classroom practices. We look to the 加州学前教育基金会 for curricular support. We also look to the National Association of the Education of Young Children (NAEYC) 为我们的实践提供支持.


Curriculum at the Child Development Lab Preschool includes child-initiated and some teacher-led activities and experiences offered to young children that support and enrich their development emotionally, socially, physically, and cognitively. Self-selection or “free-play” is a daily part of the curriculum and means a child has the opportunity 选择他们参加的中心或活动. 这促进了创造性表达 以及重要社交技能的发展. 教师应积极参与 with the children during free play activities by asking open-ended questions about what the children are doing, participating in their pretend play, reading books when prompted, encouraging children to try new activities or play with a new item(s), etc.

ChAD Lab Activities



Parents can utilize our observation spaces after drop off, during class time and before 接起来看看我们的程序是如何工作的. 让父母看到我们的孩子很重要 busy, happy, active and creative program and how their child is at play in our environment.

These spaces are also shared with 菠菜网lol正规平台 undergraduate and graduate students who seek to observe young children’s behaviors for educational purposes. 菠菜网lol正规平台 students might be seen using these spaces to record written observations needed for course assignments in various disciplines.

ChAD students and child


Faculty Research

For faculty who are interested in conducting research at the preschool, please contact 乔伊·福斯特,实验室学校主任


For some course assignments, students may be required to complete observations of 五岁以下的幼儿. 我们的两个实验学校都有观察室 可以被学生用于这些课程作业吗. 之前参观我们的一个 observation rooms, please select the button below to complete our google form. 

  • Toddler Lab: 幼儿实验室班是为2岁的孩子开设的. 有两个上课时间-周一/周三 上午9:00-11:00及星期二/四9:00-11:00. 这个观察室位于 斯威尼大厅117-J室.
  • Multi-age Lab: 多年龄段实验班适合3-5岁的儿童. 上午的会议来自 9-11:30am and the afternoon session is from 12:30-3:00pm Monday through Thursday.  星期五没有课.  这个观察室位于中央教室 Building (CCB) room 117.


  • Complete 观察室谷歌表格
  • 携带并准备好向您的学生出示菠菜网lol正规平台塔ID.
  • Be respectful and follow the posted rules in the observation room
  • Do not enter the classrooms or have contact with the children without permission of the lab instructor.



We insist that all staff members adhere to the state Licensing requirements. Staff members are considered - Lab Instructors or Head Teachers, Student-Teachers, Teacher-Assistants, and Substitute Teachers. 在课堂工作之前,每位工作人员将:

  • Complete a Background Clearance (through fingerprinting/Live Scan)
  • 提交最新的免疫接种证明(DTaP和MMR)
  • Submit a proof of a negative TB skin or blood test (dated within 1 year)
  • 完成授权记者证书 
  • Lab Instructors and substitutes are required to obtain all of the above plus:
  • 心肺复苏术和急救认证,每两年再培训一次
  • 儿童发展许可证,每5年更新一次

The Toddler and Multi-Age Lab Instructors are faculty members in the Child and Adolescent 上海州立大学发展部(ChAD). 两位教师都获得了硕士学位 in Child Development or related fields and hold the Child Development Director Permits 通过加州教师资格认证委员会. 


Student-Teachers are an integral part of our program providing individual attention to your child, and at the same time they are learning through direct, hands-on experience 如何促进孩子的发展. 我们的学生教师有许多职责贯穿始终 the semester that gives them a view of what teaching looks and feels like in the early childhood classroom.

While constant supervision is MOST important, they will also have curricular and classroom responsibilities. Our Student-Teachers will be designing and implementing learning opportunities for the children, and having engaging interactions with the children.

Joy Foster and child

Contact Us

For additional questions about the Lab School or Multi-Age Classroom, please contact 乔伊·福斯特,实验室学校主任

For questions about the Toddler Classroom, please contact Jessica Fraser, Toddler Classroom Instructor, at
