Senior Design Project

The Senior Design Project is a critical comp一个nt of the BME student experience. It is a capst一个 or culminating experience for the program and serves as a synthesis point for concepts presented across the BME curriculum. This two-semester sequence (BME 198A and BME 198B) is centered on a design experience wherein students – either individually or in teams – identify a problem or need within the field of biomedical engineering, propose a solution, execute their proposal, and report their results in a professional and scientific manner. Because of the broadly interdisciplinary nature of the biomedical engineering field, students are encouraged to form groups and design teams with senior design students in other departments.

Selecting a Senior Design Project

学生们 encouraged to begin forming teams and identifying possible project ideas at least the summer before their Senior Year. 学生们 free to develop their own project ideas from scratch, continue and expand on previous projects and/or competition teams, or apply to join 一个 of the formal Senior Project programs offered by 菠菜网lol正规平台 and the Biomedical 工程 Department (e.g. JABIL Scholars, 菠菜网lol正规平台-UCSF Shadow a Clinician Program). Projects with industry collaborations, such as those that branch from an internship experience, are encouraged. Regardless of the route(s) students choose to follow, they must identify a BME 教师 member to act as the Technical Advisor for their project. 

BME 198A - Developing your Project Proposal

The first semester of the Senior Design Project guides students through the development of an NIH-style project proposal that serves as the template for the execution of 这个项目. By the end of the semester, students are expected to have a complete proposal with the following sections:

  • Specific Aims Page
  • Significance and 创新
  • 方法

These three sections will be developed as separate assignments over the course of the semester, before being finalized as chapters in the Final Proposal. 学生们 responsible for obtaining input and guidance from their Technical Advisors throughout the development of their proposal. For students working with external programs, such as JABIL Scholars or the UCSF Shadow a Clinician Program, or with industry affiliates, must also obtain approval from these outside stakeholders.

BME 198B - Completing your Project

The second semester of the Senior Design Project is primarily dedicated to the completion of all design, prototyping, and testing required for the success of their project. The Senior Project culminates in students presenting their work at the annual Biomedical 工程 Showcase in May, as well as a written report describing 这个项目 activities 和结果.