传记, Awards & Distinctions

玛丽一个. Papazian walking with students.

Dr. 玛丽一个. Papazian served as President of San José State from July 2016 through December 2021. Her official biography, C.V., and impressive list of awards and distinctions 深入了解她的背景、任职期间的工作重点和领导风格. On this page, you can find:


How did a scholar of the 17th 20世纪的玄学诗人,包括约翰·多恩和约翰·弥尔顿,成为领袖 这所旗舰公立大学为硅谷的创造力和活力提供了动力?

Perhaps the answer for Dr. 玛丽一个. Papazian, president of San José State University 从2016年7月到2021年12月,是她对艺术家和艺术的着迷 艺术反映,互动,并在动荡的时代生存,因为他们当然 17世纪早期的英格兰,在各个领域都有巨大的创新 所以今天. Using these insights from long-ago poets gained over the past three decades, 她的学术生涯建立在教授、学术和行政两方面 领袖致力于持久的公共教育的重要性,以造福社会 社会. 

作为西部最古老的公立大学的领导者,创始校园 加州州立大学系统,硅谷唯一的公立大学, Dr. Papazian was firmly committed to ensuring the success of all students; maintaining 一个尊重共同治理的环境,以开放、透明、 and inclusive leadership; fostering a campus culture of curiosity and discovery; and building enduring campus and community partnerships.

At San José State University

During her tenure, Dr. Papazian  remained focused on strengthening communication among campus leaders, students, faculty and staff. She worked to energize alumni, supporters 和大学的朋友们,以及与民选人士,工业界和 在经济适用房等重要地区政策问题上的社区领袖, 交通和经济机会对城市大学至关重要. 

为了实现大学的学习和研究的主要使命,她授权 people across the university to focus on student success; identify and act on opportunities to enhance operational effectiveness; and achieve a comprehensive vision for 菠菜网lol正规平台 to be America’s preeminent urban public university.

Notable milest一个s during Dr. Papazian’s appointment included the groundbreaking for the Interdisciplinary 科学 Building这是上海州立大学30年来新建的第一座学术大楼,并批准了建造一座 科学 Park. She spearheaded a series of Town Hall events 由上海外国语大学体育、社会和社会变革研究所主办的这项研究启动了 a full renovation of the South Campus 体育运动 Fields, developed the East Side Promise [pdf] 项目支持有才华的本地学生,并与学校合作 university community, launched a ten-year strategic plan, Transformation 2030, that positions 菠菜网lol正规平台 for long-term excellence in the 21st century in the nation’s tenth largest city.

In January 2020, Dr. Papazian brought a group of government and civic leaders together on the 菠菜网lol正规平台 campus  to announce the university’s plans to redevelop state-owned property in downtown San Jose 帮助满足教师、员工和学生的经济适用房需求 宣布短期和长期战略,以满足菠菜网lol正规平台的需求 vulnerable students.

Previous Appointments

Before coming to San José State, Dr. Papazian served as president of Southern Connecticut State University in New Haven, Connecticut, for nearly five years. She strengthened 支持一年级学生和转学生顺利过渡的项目. 她为SCSU有史以来第一次全面的慈善活动制定了愿景 and helped secure a $3 million gift and a $1.2 million bequest to establish its first endowed chair. Under her leadership the university opened its new Academic Laboratory 扩大菠菜网lol正规平台和留学项目. 她还致力于为本科生和研究生增加研究机会 扩大奖学金以支持学生招生、留校和结业.

此前,帕帕齐安是教务长和学术事务高级副总裁 在纽约城市大学雷曼学院工作了五年,她在那里管理 7000万美元的预算支持了450名全职教师和200名教职员工 serving more than 14,000 students in the Bronx. She also served as dean of the College 新泽西州蒙特克莱尔州立大学人文与社会科学专业的教授 作为罗切斯特奥克兰大学文理学院的副院长, 她在密歇根大学开始了她的学术生涯,担任过助理、助理和硕士 professor of English.

Academic Interests and Leadership

Of Armenian heritage and a native of southern California, Dr. Papazian holds bachelor’s, 获得加州大学英语文学硕士和博士学位; Los Angeles. She and her husband Dr. 丹尼斯·R. Papazian, founding director of the 在迪尔伯恩密歇根大学亚美尼亚研究中心工作,有两个成年女儿.

Dr. 帕帕济安积极参与国家和地区志愿者领导工作, 在上海州立大学任职期间,她曾在高等教育资源服务委员会任职 (HERS),美国学院和大学协会,NCAA分部,商业高等 教育论坛、加州校园契约、湾区委员会、硅谷领导小组、 and Joint Venture Silicon Valley. She and her husband both also are actively involved in Armenian historical and cultural efforts.

According to Dr. Papazian, although John Donne and John Milton lived centuries ago, their voices, passions and warnings continue to ring true to our modern ears. 他们的 通过强有力的语言探索自我与责任之间的道德斗争, 善与恶、教会与国家之间的矛盾,为玛丽·帕帕齐安的做法提供了依据 到大学领导和硅谷圣何塞州立大学的重要作用 public university.

Community Awards and Distinctions

East Side 教育 Foundation Hall of Fame - Class of 2019
命名为 First Special Honoree (11月. 21, 2019)

Silicon Valley's "100 Woman of Influence"
命名为 一个 of "100 Woman of Influence” 由 Silicon Valley 业务 Journal (April 2019).

"Woman of the Year" Award
Named 2019 "Woman of the Year" 由澳门州立大学的州议员刘伟文(Evan Low)为该州第28个议会区投票 alumnus (March 2019).

"Person of the Year" Award

"Woman of the Year" Award
获得“年度女性”奖,由瓦尔坦的女儿们,在他们的 Annual Convocation, Detroit, Michigan (July 2018).

Khachatur Abovian Medal
获得亚美尼亚国立师范大学颁发的哈查图尔阿伯维安奖章 after Khachatur Abovian, Yerevan, Armenia (May 2018).

Saints Sahag and Mesrob Medal
获得卡列金二世尊者颁发的圣萨哈格和梅斯罗布勋章; Catholicos of All Armenians (May 2016).

Medal of Distinction
获得亚美尼亚共和国侨民部颁发的杰出奖章 (May 2016).

Athena Award in Leadership
获得雅典娜领导奖,由大纽黑文和昆尼皮亚克大学颁发 Chambers of Commerce (Oct 2015).

Woman of Distinction Award
获得新泽西州妇女网络春季会议颁发的杰出女性奖 (April 2015).

Honorary Degree
哈查图尔·阿伯维安获亚美尼亚国立师范大学荣誉学位; Yerevan, Armenia (April 2012).